Saturday, November 14, 2009


Me, Tyler, Chris Letourneau and tylers bud todd headed up to baker today. me and gorz arived at stefans house in the morning to pick up him and chris, but stefan was no where to be seen because he was out with a girl being a huge pussy bitch. then tyler forgot his passport so we had to detour and go back and get it. we get out to sumas and meet up with TODD at the tim hortons and the line for tim hortons was so long and i was pissed cause he didnt want to wait. so we lounge it to the border wait for a long ass time then todds truck battery dies while we are talking to the border cop. took like an hour to find a cunt to jump us and then go buy a new battery.

we finally get up to baker and me and chris think its a good idea to hike up without buyin a pass, we go up the first chair and are stokin cause it worked, then going up next run they check passes and the guy junts me. i bs and say it was on my other layer that i left in the truck but this guys not buying it and calls security to come get me on a snowmobile and take me IN. get to the zone and this lady starts asking me all these questions, like whered i get the pass, how much, what colour, was it a guy or girl who sold it to you. i swindled and got every question right and they werent happy. i say the pass is in the car and someone comes out with me to see if you could see it through the window so i said it was in a back pack and the cunt sees that the cab slidy back window is open and asks me to open up the canopy and go inside. so im like FUCK, so i go to the canopy and start shaking it pretending its locked and he buys it. so we cruise back to the other building and they take all my info threatening me with a 100$ and if they find out i was lyuing about all the other shit then they are getting the sherrifs involved(there were 2 suvs up thre juntin people) so she keeps my board and tells me to go find my friends to open the truck. so im trying to swindle a swindle in my head on how im going to cruise this. tried calling tyler to get his jacket with the ticket but he doesnt have his phone
then it hits me! i cruise the parking lot and try to find some homies that look legit, someone who wouldnt deny me, or rat me out, or just steal my money. and i find this kid and im like "yo these guys are trying to fuck me with i fine cause i hiked up and poached the mountain. ill give you money to go buy me a pass" this kids down and hooks me up. so i get the pass go get a jacket from the car and clip the pass on. go back to the lady say i found my friends, they opened the car and i got it out.
she buys it, shes stokin, im stokin, she hands me the board, deletes all my info and im cruisin. go up the mountain find chris tyler and todd, tell them the story do a run and they check passes and now chris gets fucked. but hes an idiot gets every question wrong and gets fined 100$

chchch good day at baker.

oh the snow was amazing, sick lines, tonnes of coverage, couple babes and 1 black guy

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