Thursday, December 07, 2006

waves of life

Chedder cheese here is White there for i guess u are all eating chemicals to make it orange witch is wicked cause i like chemicals alot. I like to creep when i walk down the beach boobies were out in force i could have a way better site then that peeping thong dude thats for sure but my eyes arnt camras. DAM I guess people dont like tan lines i love tan lines. Not to much to say but i wanna update everyday so when i do have sumthing to say god will like me the same amount. Whent to the beach like normal the waves were massive me and zoe surfed them on are bodies i looked at boobs gotta make some PIZZAS TONIGHT. I like when people order aussie pizzas cause it gets 2 raw eggs on it. ANd i also like when people order a USA cause thats peperonie and i like meat so i will eat all of ur tummys. that is all for no JESSE doesnt seem to be UPDATINg maby well pass his dutys to some one like a johova witness.

I dont no if bouch is still alive maby hes on a meth week with bryans brother cam methin around. DONT METH AROUND. Riley has developed a case of crabs that he got from borowing charles boxers and i have a sun burn. OH YEAH THERES THESE BIRDS like mini pelicons i guess but there everywher elike crows and the ar big but one had a hole in its kneck and was eating fris off the ground and they were squirting outa its kneck that was last week but i cant get that awsome immage oyta my mind it was sick.


Anonymous said...

another note beach voley ball is gay

Anonymous said...

i just stuck a cd case in my own ass hole

Anonymous said...

you slackers all need to tighten ur belts and get ur hair cut steiroid use amoung highschool students is very real it results in testicular and prostate cancer listen to brother jake and get ur prostae checked at