Tuesday, October 24, 2006

useless post 130! land mark day

Me and alex are both in poco while jesse and taylor hold down the fort at chop city. It is finaly snowing on the mtn http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/cams/whistler/index.htm that is a very welcome site seeing as there is nothing to do in whistler right now. AWSOME alex and bouch did some bike filming yesterday i whent over to lafarage for an hour and did my normal skids and foot plants for bouch, my whole video part is pretty much from june and the frist 2 weeks of july because im a real determined guy that got side traced and his bikes about to explode. Alex got pretty gnarly out there t groz showed before i left for dinner. My girlfriend fell off a horse yesterday in australlia hiting her head resulting in stiches she is very acccdent prone.

Used bouches cool 270 photo on the 130th post in this super internet blog so i will give him the myspace link of the DAY http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=54571728&MyToken=6f826c96-b99c-4709-b6c8-a782093bba31 i was gonna choose black tom but i changed my mind. Anywas that is all for now its 823 am good day lovers


be sold said...

i like his ferce face in the frist frame to tell the truth

Anonymous said...

we need some halfling posts