after viewing many pie charts and bar graphs vertically and horizontally i have come to the ocnclusion that our house is full of the plague. sean dieno sure digs vomiting all night in our sink, YA! big clean sesh left was had even though jesse sleep off the black plague horseman of death. i work all day at ridiculas hours and wonder around picking out sweaters to buy.
dustin snaggletoothed 4 tickets to trevor andrews tomorrow at buffalo bills, where we will surely cut a rug
alex pilfers hotsauce bread and toilet paper from work and works til 3am because hes captain cook 2007.
we all miss dylan and realise that hes in austrailia whooping it up in un, while its snowy joe in whistler with ice and coldness. fireball has to be the worst drink psossible, rivaling the horridness of spice rum, which still doesnt make sence to me
if i ahd something usefull to say id be a dot com millionaire, but instead i eat pasta
ps im pretty sure jesse is dead, if you want something of his, feell free to ask for it